đź“ś I am once again confronted by the fact that I am an asshole

So tonight was Literary Speed Dating, which, wonderful! A good time was had by all.


One of the matches across from me was someone who I had met at the last speed dating. She recognized me right away; it took me slightly longer to recall we had met.

We compared notes from the evening and talked about how last time had gone. I made a point of saying I had no matches last time.

Later, at the afterparty at Botanica, I swung by and said hello again to her. “So there was you and the other guy who I went on dates with.”


“Yeah, we went on a date after the last speed dating and you didn’t give me your number afterward.”

I didn’t remember it in the moment. I barely remember it now. But she pulled out her phone and searched her emails and there I am, setting up a date and then not emailing afterward.

I don’t remember. At all! And yes it’s been a few months – the date was in February – but the point is she remembered me, why didn’t I remember her? It’s not like I’ve gone on that many dates.

It’s disconcerting. I feel awful about it. And there’s nothing I can do.